Help me finish the graphic novel!

Conscious storytelling is now more important than ever.
Please help me inspire young people!

why I'm doing this

Reality today is quickly catching up to Science Fiction

ENTANGLEMENT is a story about mind control and freedom in the context of our choices. I need your help to publish it now as a graphic novel to reach the younger audience. I feel that we're running out of time – reality, it seems, is quickly catching up to the "dystopian future" setting of the script’s story. Microchip implants, mind control, the fight for our survival (you’ll find the synopsis at the bottom of the page) – all of this looms if we fail to see the bigger picture and to make some difficult choices in our lives.

The choices that we make – intentionally or automatically – and the impact they have on our lives are the reason why ENTANGLEMENT is so relevant today. I want to engage young people and to inspire them to make their choices consciously. To accomplish this, I feel that I need to make ENTANGLEMENT available as soon as possible, published as a graphic novel. With this campaign I’m raising funds to pay an artist/illustrator to create the visuals for this book (to give life to the script). I want you to help me positively influence the young generation, and to establish conscious storytelling as a movement, as a viable and effective way to inspire and empower people.

It takes one person to change the world. That person is You.

It will take approximately 9 months and $9 000 for the graphic artist to create roughly 450 illustrations that will complete this feature-length graphic novel. I’ve put together several contribution levels, which contain various ways to express my gratitude for your support. But perhaps the biggest perk you get for your contribution is knowing that you’re ushering in a better world by supporting the production of this freedom-affirming story.

With everything going on in the world right now, I feel that the stakes are too high to wait any longer. Even if I will not reach my goal of crowdsourcing $9 000, I will still do everything in my power to complete and publish ENTANGLEMENT. I really believe that this story can catalyze the next step in our evolution.

What if you cannot donate?

You can still help! If you resonate with my goal to inspire young people and to create a positive impact, please help me spread the word by sharing this campaign with your tribe. You will find various ways to share in the right sidebar of this page.

This is our time to make a difference. Please help me change the world.

ENTANGLEMENT synopsis (a couple spoilers)

In a docile and fearful Boston in 2051 cars and bikes fly – and continue to pollute the environment. S.G.O.A. [Security of Government Organizations Agency] – the one-world-government organization, which enforces mandatory ID microchip implants on the entire human population, allegedly to keep people safe â€“ drenches the whole world in fear to maintain its control.

After not having seen each other for 4 years, Nick – a successful cybersecurity specialist – meets his college friend Kate at the funeral of their professor. Kate reveals to Nick that their professor, who invented a quantum processor, was murdered for refusing to cooperate with S.G.O.A. With the help of a stolen prototype, Kate shows Nick that this technology is already in use – everyone’s thoughts are being monitored via their ID microchip implants. When Nick and Kate delve into the code to see if they can put a stop to this, they discover programmatic attempts to technologically control people’s minds as well. S.G.O.A. detects Nick and Kate tinkering with their ID implants and show up at their doorstep, forcing the protagonists to flee from the agency, digitally covering their tracks.

Their further delve into government secrets yields an entire world of hidden and suppressed technology – ways to control gravity, and to extract energy from the fabric of spacetime itself. Nick and Kate discover that this technology can potentially clean up the environment and turn the skies blue again…

S.G.O.A. director Carnegie reveals that he is after the same thing as the protagonists – he, too, wants to save the Earth. His intentions, however, are very different: to achieve his goal he prepares to drastically depopulate the planet, and he needs Nick to write the mind control program to accomplish this.

But Carnegie is only a figure in someone else’s game of chess. The originator of the plan to kill 90% of the Earth’s population is Kyle – a 7-year-old telepathic boy with a vendetta against the world. Kyle and his twin sister Eve, who is also telepathic, were physically abused by their stepfather. When the twins went to school, their peers almost killed them for having psychic powers. Before they ran away from home, Kyle and Eve both swore to change the world: Kyle made the choice to take revenge on the world, while Eve swore to love and protect it.

In a race against time, Eve helps the protagonists to fight back against Kyle and his puppet S.G.O.A. It becomes up to Nick, Kate and Eiichiro to make the difficult, life-threatening decisions and fight against an entire army that’s out to destroy them.